Check out if you enjoy applied philosophy and introspective reads. In February, I tried a blind date with a book. It turns out it was not a love connection. But I did want to venture into territory I wasn’t as familiar with to be able to recommend a title that…
Check out if you’re intrigued by historical hauntings, background on some of America’s most famous ghosts and why people are so drawn to the paranormal. I enjoyed Colin Dickey’s book The Unidentified so much that I chose to pick up another one of his. This time he focuses his efforts…
Check out if you’re interested in conspiracies, the inner workings of the human mind, and the difference between a quack and a crank. We know that life is full of mystery. Has something ever happened to you that you couldn’t quite explain? Perhaps you enjoy books about conspiracies and T.V.…
Check out if you’re into ancient history, civilizations, and the impact various cultures can have on life today. What causes a group of people to be forgotten? Perhaps these tribes were illiterate and did not keep historical records. While fighting in various wars they might have had their cities razed…
Check out if you enjoy writings on religious cults, exposés on renowned public figures, and survivor stories. The People’s Temple. Heaven’s Gate. The Branch Davidians. The Manson family. If any one of these sound familiar to you, you might have already dipped your toes in learning about some of the…
Check out if you enjoy trivia, useless facts, or knowing a bit more about famous figures (and their body parts) whose story has been largely ignored and/or faded over time. Mo Rocca has compiled a collection of interesting chapters and tidbits about people, things, and even plants whose stories seem…