A look back . . . .

As a new year begins, it is time to look back on the activities and fun we had in the Teen Room this past year. 2016 was a crazy year! Here in the Teen Room, we had fun activities each month.

In January, we accepted applications for our teen volunteer program. This program is so important to keep our library running. Every day we have volunteers run our teen clubs. Without teen volunteers, we would not have clubs. They also help with our recycling program as well as our children’s department activities, particularly in the summer months.

In February, we offered a Blind Date with a Book. We wrapped up books and the teens got to pick up a few to take home, unwrap, and read. This display allowed teens the opportunity to choose a book without seeing the cover.

In March, we had our annual Teen Tech Week. For a whole week we had our LittleBits, Legos, Robotics, and our 3D Printer Pens available in the Teen Room Maker’s Space. The teens were able to create things with these various electronic devices—anything from robots to 3D drawings.

April was a pretty quiet month for us. The entire library celebrated National Library Week, a week dedicated to celebrating libraries.

In May, we hosted 6th grade tours. These tours allow us the chance to bring our 6th graders in and emphasize what they can do in the teen room as soon as they ‘graduate’ from sixth grade. We’ve found there are still people who don’t realize the Teen Room exists and by hosting these tours, we hope to remind the young adults that we are here for their recreational and educational needs.

June through August saw our Summer Reading Program. This year’s theme was “Get in the Game.” Our goal was to offer teens information on various life skills every Wednesday. We taught them about looking for a job, personal finance, stress management, and how to take care of animals where a selection of pets were welcome in the teen room (please note: no pets were eaten during this program!).

In September we focused on National Banned Books Week. This year our big attraction was having the teens guess which banned book we shredded. You can read more about this event here http://ccpls.info/teens/2016/10/11/banned-book-week-2016/.

For October we held a few different events, the first being Teen Read Week; for this we hosted a Bring Your Own Book Club. Teens were able to bring any book they loved and talk about it. You can read more about this fun event here http://ccpls.info/teens/2016/10/26/teen-read-week-book-discussion/. Our last event for October was a Tim Burton Movie Marathon. We watched BeetleJuice, Frankenweenie, Corpse Bride, and The Nightmare Before Christmas.

November was International Games Day. We had a ton of fun! We created life-size Jenga and Checkers! Nothing beats watching a stack of soda boxes fall over.

Finally for December, we had a quiet month. We provided a drop-in craft for teens to create a book ornament, and a hot chocolate bar. Nothing says winter spirit like hot chocolate, good books, and great company. As the New Year begins we are excited to see where 2017 takes us, and we are excited that you are on this crazy adventure with us! Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!!