Help The Library Foundation Inc. bring public art and innovative programs and services to Campbell County Public Library and Wright Branch Library. Without generous donors, your libraries in Gillette and Wright could not meet the expectations of library patrons.
To this end, The Foundation receives donations through memorials, cash contributions, and estates. The funds are used in support of current projects or are deposited directly into our library endowment where they become part of a stable funding source for Campbell County Public Library System (CCPLS). Supporting The Library Foundation in perpetuity is a choice many of our community members have made because they value our libraries and what they mean to Gillette and Wright. To invest in the library–and our community–give today.

Types of Donations
Avenues for supporting Campbell County libraries through The Library Foundation Inc. include:
Choosing to remember a loved one or friend with a memorial book given to your library in Gillette or Wright provides a lasting gift to honor that person. Great care is taken by library staff to select a book the deceased would have enjoyed. You may also suggest a title or subject. Once chosen, a memorial bookplate is placed in the book and an acknowledgment card is sent to the family telling them the name of the book and the donor’s name.
For more information contact the Library Administration office by email or by calling 307.687.0009.
Bequests in wills
Stocks and bonds
Life insurance
Retirement accounts and annuities
Tax benefits
If you have held appreciated stock for more than one year, you may take a charitable tax deduction for the fair market value of the stock. Neither you nor The Library Foundation Inc. will pay capital gains taxes when the stock is sold. This could result in a bigger deduction and more tax savings for you and a larger gift for The Library Foundation Inc. than if you sell the stock, pay the taxes, and donate the proceeds. Designating The Library Foundation Inc. as a beneficiary for retirement account balances and annuities could also bring tax advantages.
All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Questions concerning The Library Foundation Inc. and bequests, trusts, and estates should be directed to John Jackson, CCPLS Executive Director, by email or by calling 307.687.0009.

Other Gifts
Gifts of books, magazines, DVDs, CDs, and books-on-CD are welcome under these guidelines:
- Two standard size boxes per individual are accepted every week
- Books must be in very good condition; no musty, dusty, mildew, or water damaged books accepted
- No encyclopedias or textbooks accepted
- No VHS tapes accepted
- No magazines older than one year accepted
- No used computers, typewriters, or software accepted
All donated items become property of The Friends of the Library
How we’re different from the Friends of the Library:
The Library Foundation Inc. and the Friends of the Library are often used interchangeably. However, while we work closely together, we have different goals. The Foundation fundraises to support library projects, programs, public art, and staff. The Friends of the Library is a membership association that supports the library through grassroots advocacy. The Friends operate using proceeds from membership dues, book sales, and merchandise sales.