Folklore - Nonfiction

Tales of Japan by Chronical Books ill. By Kortaro Chiba

Check out if you enjoy folklore, fairy tales, and/or disembodied goblin heads.

Did you know that the folklore section of our library is housed in the nonfiction department? We are always striving to better our collection of these awesome tales and have a few interesting titles we just added! One that I recently picked up is Tales of Japan. Just skimming through the beautiful illustrations was enough for me to check it out but there is so much more to this book than that.

This book is categorized into sections: Journeys, Ghosts, Monsters, and Justice. My favorite section was (obviously) about the various monsters of Japanese folklore, but I found the Justice section to be a close second, filled with tales of righteous endings for those that deserve better, or worse, than the hand they are dealt. 

I really enjoy reading about folklore around the world. Learning about origin stories from various cultures helps me see a common thread that we all share as humans, as storytellers. If you also happen to enjoy the same, I recommend this book or one of many others we have in our collection.