Databases & Online Resources
The library offers access to databases and online resources on a wide variety of subjects. Some resources are licensed for use in Wyoming or Campbell County libraries only and require a password if you are not accessing them from within a library. To use these resources from home, provide your library card and PIN when they are requested.
WyoDigital is the University of Wyoming Libraries’ home for digitized materials. Our collections include digitized materials from Emmitt D. Chisum Special Collections, libraries’ general collections, and collections from other collaborating partners. Examples incude historic maps, books, photographs, audio-visual materials, UWyo yearbooks, manuscripts, ephemera, etc.
A free online library of cemetery records from thousands of cemeteries across the world, for historical and genealogy research.
The Wyoming Department of Health’s mission is to promote, protect and enhance the health of all Wyoming citizens.
Wyoming Department of Workforce Services
The Wyoming Department of Workforce Services is a state Agency focused on delivering comprehensive and effective services that build a workforce to meet the changing demands of Wyoming’s diverse businesses, citizens and economy.
This database includes all United States patents issued to inventors within the present-day boundaries of Wyoming. The first patent was issued in 1867 in Fort Bridger, Utah Territory. Fort Bridger is currently located in Uinta County, Wyoming.
This library of legislative materials contains journals, or digests of the journals, from the first territorial legislature that convened in 1869 to the present. It also contains digitized bills from 1873 to 2000, and a record of actions on introduced bills (bill actions) from 1957-2000.
View and track legislation, watch live and view session and meeting schedules of the current legislative session. You can also find information on contacting your Representative or Senator.
Discover the stories that formed Wyoming. Browse or search the more than 900,000 newspaper pages converted from microfilm to a digital format. All text is searchable, including news articles, news briefs, obituaries and other items of interest
Wyoming Patent and Trademark Resource Center
The Wyoming State Library is a United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) designated Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC). Library staff can assist with general questions and provide assistance and instruction in the use of patent and trademark resources. As the only PTRC in Wyoming, the Library provides free access to patent and trademark resources in various formats.
Search this database to find magazines and journals available in print in WYLD Libraries. Use the ‘Journals A to Z’ service to find online sources for full text articles.
Wyoming Places allows users to discover information about the origin of the name of a place, a brief history of that place and stories about it. This project uses original sources as well as published sources in the public domain. Places with a latitude and longitude will appear on the Wyoming map.
The State Archives collects, manages, and preserves Wyoming state public records that have long term administrative, legal, and historical value. These records document the history of our state and the activities of Wyoming’s government offices. The Archives also collects non-government records that contribute to an understanding of the state’s history.
The Wyoming State Law Library website includes information about Wyoming legal materials and other resources for federal and tribal law. They also have information on legal assistance as well as, links to self-help forms.
This digital library contains publications produced by Wyoming governmental agencies, and Federal Publications concerning the State of Wyoming from 1912 to the present.
Access the codified laws of Wyoming, provided by the Wyoming Legislative Service Office. Includes Wyoming Annotated Statutes.
Wyoming Statutes Annotated (LexisNexis)
The Wyoming Legislative Service Office provides access to the codified laws of Wyoming for non-commercial use under contractual arrangement with LexisNexis. The database is updated quarterly.
Wyoming Tombstone Transcription Project
This project is about honoring our ancestors and preserving our heritage by recording tombstone epitaphs.
An index of Wyoming state trademarks covering state trademarks issued from 1906 to present. Each record includes a scanned copy of the application file at the Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office or the Wyoming State Archives.
A vital record includes birth, death, stillbirth, marriage, divorce records, and related data. Records are registered with the registrar of the county in which the event happened, and then are filed with the state.